Monday, August 10, 2009

The Beautiful Mistake

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."


On Saturday, my family loaded up the van and left on vacation! We were going all the way down to Alabama, so it ended up being a two day trip. On Sunday, we loaded up the hotel room and left again. When we were almost there, after hours of driving, Mom missed the turn to take us straight there!!! Instead we had to go about TEN MILES up the road and take a different way that would take us longer to get there! Nothin' like makin' a mistake that would take us out of our way!!!

After missing the turn, we went across a bridge after bridge....which soon became a very long bridge...we were going over many rivers! We could see over the tops of the trees. It was a beautiful sight! The clouds were perfect in the sky and it was a breath-taking view! When we came to a river, we could see the way the river twisted throughout the land! There were FIVE rivers we went across, each with their own spectacular view!!! If Mom wouldn't have made a mistake, we wouldn't have had the blessing of seeing the magnificent view!

Sometimes, i feel like i make one mistake after another which leads into life being hard! Sometimes, I feel like nothing can go right in my life! And every so often, I feel like nothing can come out good! But God can take the times that I am feeling rough on the edges and feeling like nothing is going right, and use them to make me stronger in Him and help me realize that something beautiful can come out of those hard times when nothing is going my way!

I am confident that there are times in your life when you feel like nothing is going right and that God is "out to gete you!" But...Remember that God only has the best in mind for His children...and you never know what God might show you along the way! Look for the beauty in life as you cross the bridges along the way! (Even if it is from a wrong turn!) ~

© Copyright 2009, Samantha Fomera

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