Ephesians 4:3 (NIV)
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Have you ever heard the phrase, “We’re Twinkies!”? I hadn’t heard it until last night – and I am still not sure if anyone else actually says it other than my crazy friend! :D Apparently, it is said when two people have something in common! Whether it be the same clothes or liking the same thing…we’re Twinkies~ Last night…we were Twinkies because we have the same screen saver set on our computers! Can’t you see it! My friend and I dressed in Twinkie costumes on the side of the road! Or on the side of a bus – like an ad! Anyway…we had something in common – therefore…”we’re Twinkies!!!!”
My sister and I got some time with the house to ourselves last week. We did all sorts of fun things – grocery shopping, making a menu, reading at Dairy Queen, going to dance pictures…a lot of things!!! One day, we were randomly talking and she said that her stomach hurt. I asked her why and she said that it was because she had chewed gum. Now, this may seem really strange to all you readers, but I completely understood!!! Apparently, we are the only ones on the universe with this “thing” but when we chew gum, it makes our stomach hurt! Anytime, we tell anyone that, they think we are crazy! We determined that it was a “sister thing!”
We, as Christians, have a bond too! It may not be the same screensaver or stomach aches when we chew gum…Actually, it is a lot more important! We all have the love of Jesus! The love of God that surpasses all understanding! The love that gives us peace lives in each Christian all over the world.
The apostle Paul tells us to “keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Powerful words! Webster’s Dictionary defines unity as this: the state of being one, or united; oneness; something complete in itself; the quality of being one in spirit! Peace is the uniting force behind it all! Jesus Christ is the uniting force!
Jesus will unite all the people everywhere! We, as Christians, need to unite to tell the world about Jesus! We are like a box of Twinkies! We all have something in common – Jesus, but until we get out of our box, we do no good! So, jump out! And UNITE through the bonding power of JESUS CHRIST!!!
© Copyright 2009, Samantha Fomera
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